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Tala is a  20-year-old,  international Level 1 Health Sciences student at the OU, currently studying Science and Health (SDK100) and Investigating Psychology 1 (DE100). Her deep-rooted love for science (biology in particular), inspired by previous life experiences, her mother's passion for science and her favourite upper and sixth form teacher made Health Sciences the perfect degree for her. Tala’s favourite part about studying, in addition to increasing her skills and knowledge, is the stationery shopping sprees she goes on (of which all the stationery bought is very much ‘needed’).

In her spare time, Tala enjoys drawing, colouring, dancing, swimming and spending time with her family, as well as completing different short courses in a variety of fields to enhance her learning and make her more well rounded. She can often be found in SHL sessions connecting with other OU students, and has slowly, but surely, been taking over the colour pink in the chat box.

Tammy Alexander is a Product Development Manager in the Online Student Experience Team. Over the last two years the team has been committed to delivering an engaging and purposeful online learning and teaching experience for students, transforming the current online learning systems. Our aim is to create an online environment which is user friendly, consistent, cohesive and engaging – because we believe we can always make it better.

Tamsin Lister is working on the Group Tuition Policy implementation team and has worked for The Open University for 14 years. Tamsin works for Academic Services and is also a tutor and student, who is just about to start studying on her final module for her second OU qualification, in online and distance education.

Tamsin was a solicitor for 31 years, and for 13 of them she ran her own practice, specialising in family law but also working on wills and probate and conveyancing. She now tutors OU law modules W301, W302, W101 and K270: The law and social work in England and Wales.

Tara has been an Educational Advisor with the OU for a little over a year now.  Previous to this she worked in a secondary school as a Careers Leader and has held numerous other roles during her career within the advice and guidance field. This included within the community as a Training and Employment Advisor and within higher education.  A proud member of OU alumni, Tara graduated with BA (Hons) Philosophy and Psychology with the OU in 2016, undertaking most of her studies whilst being a full-time carer.  Like many students she speaks with daily, she believes her studies were life changing and now is working towards a language qualification.

Bio available soon


This biography will become available as soon as possible.

Tendayi Bloom is a political and legal theorist - and a lecturer in Politics and International Studies at The Open University. Her work focuses on the relationship between non-citizens and States and she has written on this in a number of capacities. This includes theoretical work on one hand and more empirical work on the other, with the aim always to bring the two together. She is currently working on projects relating to statelessness, to non-citizenship, and to the politics of non-citizenship. She has been involved in the production of the new DD105 module, writing a section on ‘The Rule of Law’ and is currently working on a block on ‘Citizenship’ for DD316.

Teresa Cremin is Professor of Education (Literacy) at The Open University

An ex-primary school teacher, then staff development co-ordinator and ITE tutor, Teresa now undertakes research and consultancy in the UK and abroad. Her research focuses mainly on reading and writing for pleasure, and teachers’ identities as literate adults and artists. She works with teachers to explore ways to nurture imaginatively engaging practice. Teresa has published over 30 books on these areas and around learning to teach in the primary school and is Director of the Language and Literacy Centre at the OU, exploring issues of social justice and creative practice.

A Fellow of the English Association, the Academy of Social Sciences and the Royal Society of the Arts, Teresa is a currently a Trustee of the UK Literacy Association, chair of the Advisory Group of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation Teacher Development Fund and a member of the DfE English Hubs Council.

I am a Staff Tutor in the School of Social Sciences and Global Studies and Module Chair of DD105. In addition to my Staff Tutor role, I have worked for the Open Univas an Associate Lecturer since 2009, teaching on a wide range of Social Sciences modules

This biography will become available asap.

Tom is a tutor on a Level 1 OU course, S112 “Science: concepts and practice”, and two Level 3 courses, S309 “Earth processes” and S350 “Evaluating contemporary science”. He is entering his third academic year teaching for the OU. Outside of the OU he is an associate lecturer at Birkbeck University of London, leading their Principles of Sedimentology course.

Tom’s own academic journey started with the Open University, where he completed an open Degree BSc, with a strong emphasis on Earth Sciences, whilst continuing his day job as an audio engineer. Hooked on geology he then completed an MSc at Royal Holloway University of London, followed by a PhD funded by the London NERC Doctoral Training Partnership. His area of specialism is glacial geology, which accounts for most of his published and ongoing research, but an early exposure to the interdisciplinary approach of the OU has left him with a keen diversity of scientific interests.

Professor Tim Blackman became Vice-Chancellor of The Open University in October 2019. He was previously Vice-Chancellor of Middlesex University in London. Tim was Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research, Scholarship and Quality at the OU between 2011 and 2015.

After a year at sea as a deckhand, Tim studied Geography at Durham University and, following a spell as a community worker in Belfast, returned to Durham to complete a PhD. He worked as a Lecturer in Social Policy at the University of Ulster, before becoming Head of Research at Newcastle City Council.

A portrait of Tom Argles

Tom Argles joined the OU in the last millennium, investigating mountain-building in Pakistan. Appointed lecturer in 2000, he has since worked on numerous Earth Science modules, specialising in innovative stuff like virtual field trips, home resource use calculators and teaching practical science online. He has been involved with the OpenSTEM Labs from the launch of the OpenScience Laboratory in 2013. Recently, he authored practical GIS topics in S831 Environmental Science challenges and S319 Geology and sustainability and completed a five-year stint as Director of Teaching in the School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences (EEES).

He has managed primary school outreach in EEES for many years and is currently helping coordinate the national GeoWeek UK initiative. He is also project lead on the Virtual Microscope. Outside work he is an intermittent cricketer, parkrunner and wildlife gardener.

Tom Power is a senior lecturer in Teacher Education and International Development. Since 2000, he has strived to understand and support the development of teachers and schools serving disadvantaged communities in the Global South. Tom has also worked to explore the potential of digital technologies as tools for professional development and pedagogic practice, in both developed and developing economy contexts.
Tom was a lead academic on the Teacher Education Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA, programme, chairing the web and media group during the design of the multi-lingual, multi-national OER website, and providing academic leadership to teacher professional development materials in numeracy. He is now Programme Director for English in Action.

Photo: Toni Gladding

Toni Gladding is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Engineering.  She has researched the issues surrounding particulates, bioaerosols, health and waste management since 1993.  She has edited the UK national standardised protocol for monitoring bioaerosols at open compost facilities and currently advises the Environment Agency on bioaerosols and the impact of waste management sites. She is also Chair of CIWM’s special interest group on health and safety in waste management and Secretary to the UK national Waste Industry Safety and Health (WISH) forum which provides health and safety advice and guidance to the waste industry.  In her spare time she has an interest in wine and spends most of her time walking her three large wolfdogs.


Tracey Young qualified as a Nursey Nurse (NNEB) in 1995 and worked as an Early Years Practitioner until 2021. She began her academic journey after having a desire to improve her career prospects and fulfil a dream to gain a degree. The study bug hit after a year of GCSE Maths with other inspiring adults. She initially wanted to study at a red brick university, but practicalities seemed too big to overcome. Instead, she decided to sign up for an Access Course with OU gaining some valuable academic skills as she hadn’t studied formally since 1995. She immediately signed up to begin a Healthcare and Health Science Level One Certificate, going on to complete Level Two. Biology was particularly engaging, so she took the leap part way through the last academic year to continue towards a BSc (Honours) Healthcare and Health Science.

Having fallen in love with Business Studies, as a result of having a family business background and a very inspirational A-level Business Studies teacher, Tracy Quinn gained practical experience by working as a restaurant manager, before moving into Further Education teaching and eventually becoming an OU Associate Lecturer (AL) in 2009. Tracy currently works on the B100 Introduction to Management and B122 Retail Management and Marketing modules. One of his favourite things in teaching Level 1 student is having the chance to work with students who, more often than not, are new to online study – he sees it as a privilege to have the chance to help set people off on their learning journey and introduce them to the wonderful world on online learning.

Tyrrell Golding is Associate Head of School in Education, Childhood, Youth and Sports. She has been working at the OU for five and a half years. Tyrrell came into teaching in HE after a varied career as a Youth and Community Worker, working in the both voluntary and statutory sectors.
Tyrrell’s research interests include lifelong learning which probably comes from her own varied career – her first job being a shelf stacker in Woolworths – but during which she has been a qualified lifeguard and swimming teacher and her first degree trained her to be a journalist, so she has lots of experience of what is feels like to return to your studies in order to open up new career opportunities or to further your skills in an area that you are already working in. Tyrrell’s favourite thing about the OU is supporting our amazing students and her favourite thing about reflection is that she can do it whilst walking her cocker spaniel, Daniel.

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