Tom is a tutor on a Level 1 OU course, S112 “Science: concepts and practice”, and two Level 3 courses, S309 “Earth processes” and S350 “Evaluating contemporary science”. He is entering his third academic year teaching for the OU. Outside of the OU he is an associate lecturer at Birkbeck University of London, leading their Principles of Sedimentology course.
Tom’s own academic journey started with the Open University, where he completed an open Degree BSc, with a strong emphasis on Earth Sciences, whilst continuing his day job as an audio engineer. Hooked on geology he then completed an MSc at Royal Holloway University of London, followed by a PhD funded by the London NERC Doctoral Training Partnership. His area of specialism is glacial geology, which accounts for most of his published and ongoing research, but an early exposure to the interdisciplinary approach of the OU has left him with a keen diversity of scientific interests.