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Event catch-ups

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Past events

Live broadcast
Feb 01 2021

(re)Freshers Orientation


Our Freshers events were created with the aim of welcoming new students and making them feel part of the OU academic community.

At these events we introduce some key people in the OU, we have sessions to explain how the OU delivers its distance learning - tours of module websites, sessions about the online library and assessment.

The event is not restricted to new students, we also have sessions on wellbeing whilst studying, time management and academic support which can serve as helpful reminders for student already studying with us.

Live broadcast
Sep 29 2020

Faculty of Business and Law (re)Freshers event

Our Student Hub Live induction event on 29 September is open to everyone but is particularly aimed at students who are just starting their studies within the OU’s Faculty of Business and Law (FBL).

During the live online event, we’ll introduce FBL before looking more closely at two modules (B100 and W101). We’ll also share advice on studying with us and provide an insight into apprenticeships. You’ll hear from a range of academics and students throughout five live sessions. In between these sessions we’ll broadcast short videos, created by tutors and students, offering tips and tricks for successful study. A dedicated social media desk will also be on call to answer your questions.  We hope you can join us online!

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Live broadcast
Sep 23 2020

Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (re)Freshers event

Whatever your level of study this (re)Freshers broadcast will help answer the question: “What I wish I’d known before starting to study STEM with the OU”.

Whether you are brand new to university study, returning to your studies after a break, transferring to the OU from another university or changing to a STEM qualification, this event will ensure you are as prepared as possible for your next module.

We’ll showcase the equipment you might be using in our online OpenSTEM labs and talk to students, tutors, academics and the Student Support team.

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Live broadcast
Sep 22 2020

Welcome to WELS! Freshers' week from the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies (WELS)

Whatever level you are at, if you’re studying modules in the areas of health, wellbeing, social care, education, childhood, youth, sports, languages or applied linguistics, then you won’t want to miss this special online event to get you all set for your studies this year.

From unpacking what it actually means to be a professional in your chosen field, to exploring how your own personal learning helps you make sense of the world around you, this year’s programme is four hours filled to the brim with exciting and engaging sessions to help you with your studies.

In addition to learning about the subject areas and research done in WELS, your new home, you will also get practical tips and advice on what you can do to get the most out of your studies.


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Live broadcast
Sep 22 2020

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (re)Freshers Event

Join us and get to know the friendly and vibrant community that is the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences!

Find out who we are and what we do. What can you expect? What do our students think of their studies? What support is available? You’ll find answers to all these questions and more at our Freshers’ Welcome Event for 2020.

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Live broadcast
Sep 21 2020

Different Perspectives: Why talking across subjects sparks new ideas

What does psychology have to do with climate change? Why are politics, medicine and supply-chain management all equally important when it comes to the smooth running of the Olympic Games? And how can artificial intelligence improve agriculture for better food security? 

Growing evidence suggests that possessing knowledge and understanding across a range of different subjects is key when facing global challenges. Join our expert panel as they tackle a host of different perspectives in a fun and informal way to address some of these issues. If you’re wondering which topics will be chosen... the Student Hub Live 'Wheel of Fortune’ will decide! 


Live broadcast
Jun 23 2020

Education, Childhood, Youth and Sport (ECYS) Curriculum Showcase

Are you considering studying with the OU’s School of Education, Childhood, Youth and Sport and wondering what course to take, or a current student pondering over what module to take next?   

Aimed at both new and continuing students, this exciting and highly interactive event will showcase the broad range of modules at all levels available in ECYS and help you chose your next step. It will also give an overview of our new and upcoming modules.

Hosted by the academics and tutors behind our modules as well as some of our current students, the ECYS Curriculum Showcase offers a jam-packed programme to help you find out more about your module options and the experience of studying with us. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and to have discussions with our current students and our academics about everything from your career options to research. 


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Live broadcast
Jun 22 2020

FASS: New Curriculum Showcase

We showcase the exciting new range of modules and qualifications being launched by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in October 2020. Two major interdisciplinary Level 1 Arts modules, Cultures and Revolutions launch this year, bringing a whole range of new study choices to students in the early stages of their degree. At Level 2 there are new modules in subjects as diverse as music, counselling and economics. Those progressing to Level 3 will be able to access a new criminology module and there are two global development modules at postgraduate level for those thinking of progressing even further to a Masters degree in this increasingly important field. We’ll also discuss two brand new qualifications in the fields of art history and visual cultures, and geography.

Live broadcast
Jun 22 2020

Broadening horizons careers event

Did you know that 86% of graduate employers are more interested in a potential employee’s qualities and skills than the subject they studied? Perhaps the COVID-19 pandemic is changing your plans for the future or you’d like to know what employers are saying about where things go from here. There are existing roles and ones yet to be created that could perfectly match your passions and talents… but how do you find out what they are? Get started, and broaden your horizons in this varied half-day programme. Students from all faculties, courses and qualifications are invited to join faculty guests and OU career consultants to investigate four themes: people-focused careers; innovation and entrepreneurship; how digital technology is transforming the world of work; and education sector roles. There will also be short, “in a nutshell” career-confident skills sessions covering CVs, assessment centres, interviews and tools to help plan your future.

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Study skills workshop
Jun 03 2020

Simple tools and reflective ideas for boosting resilience

An important contributor to happiness and wellbeing is the ability to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones and create meaning from seemingly unpleasant situations. In this seminar Jeni Sanderson will talk us through the science of human flourishing and share reflective thinking tools that can help you take more positives from difficult situations and feel stronger, more productive — and improve your wellbeing and resilience in the process. 

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