Welcome to FASS
Live broadcast

Event date : 4th October 2021
Duration : 2h 05m
Recommended level : 123Post Graduate
Organised by : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)
In this session, we will talk about what it is like to start to study the arts and humanities at the OU. We will hear from the chairs of three Level 1 modules: Richard, for A111 Discovering the arts and humanities, E-J, for A112 Cultures, and Neil, for A113 Revolutions. We will also hear from Clare, the Deputy Director of Teaching for the School, about how to take your study forward after Level 1.
This session will give students a taster of what they will learn in DE100 (our core first year psychology module). Throughout the session, Hayley and Lee will introduce students to what material they will cover, what skills they will learn and the power of psychology and how it may transform how you perceive the world around you.
Part 1: the session will cover level 1 modules, content and how they are taught, followed by Part 2: what students can do afterwards and an introduction to the qualifications. The event will showcase the school and get new students enthused about studying with the School, FASS and the OU.
What is Flexible Study Intensity, how to decide whether full-time is best for them and what to do if they are finding it too much.
No slides for this event.