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Event catch-ups

Watch recordings and download resources from previous events below.

Past events

Study skills workshop
Oct 22 2021

Developing your essay planning (Advanced)

This essay planning workshop focuses on formulating the best argument to address a set question, and will focus on how to structure your argument and set out your points coherently. 

After the event, you can watch the recording HERE 

(click on 'view previous recordings' button). 

The slides from the event are available here 24h prior the event.

Study skills workshop
Oct 19 2021

Introduction to essay writing (Beginners)

We will focus on how to prepare an essay plan, using each reference effectively. The workshop will introduce tone of voice, writing objectively, and how to differentiate between evidence taken from the module materials and your own ideas when answering an essay question.  

After the event, you can watch the recording HERE 

(click on 'view previous recordings' button)

The slides from the event are available here

Live broadcast
Image of someone about to start a race
Oct 07 2021

Access: Making a great start

This session will help you make a confident start to your Access module. We will explain how the module is organised, what to expect from your tutor and what assessment is all about. 

The recording of the live session will be uploaded within 10 days after close of the event. Access by clicking on the 'play' icon thumbnails that will appear above this section or find on our SHL YouTube channel.

Study skills workshop
Oct 05 2021

Introduction to essay planning (Beginners)

Writing complete and effective essays requires careful planning. We will discuss the structure and key components of an essay, and you’ll learn how to include these elements in your plan. 

After the event, you can watch the recording here (click on 'view previous recordings' button). The group work and plenary are not recorded. The slides for the event are available here 24h prior the event.

Live broadcast
Oct 04 2021

Welcome to FASS

The event will introduce the three Schools (Arts & Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences and Global Studies) and will cover modules, content and how they're taught, followed by what students can do afterwards and an introduction to the qualifications. It will also include a session on Flexible Study Intensity (FSI) covering things to consider / be aware of, how to decide if full-time is best for each person and what to do if they find it's too much.

After the event, you can watch the recording by accessing the event page (via the PROGRAMME button below), and clicking on the playlist icon below the event description, or on our Youtube channel. Recordings are generally available for viewing 10 days after the event. 

Live broadcast
Oct 01 2021

(re)Freshers Orientation | Friday night social

Every good Freshers week has a social, and the OU is no exception - but this is a social with a difference! We'll share some ideas about looking after your mind and body during your studies and learn how movement can help you be a better you. We also hold our infamous ‘Wheel of ologies’ quiz where Team Home challenge our University staff teams (and are very likely to succeed in winning … again!).

After the event, you can watch the recording by accessing the event page (via the PROGRAMME button below), and clicking on the playlist icon below the event description, or on our Youtube channel. Recordings are generally available for viewing 10 days after the event. 

Live broadcast
Sep 30 2021

(re)Freshers Orientation | Introduction to academic skills

Studying at University level involves certain skills, like referencing, and many new OU students haven't studied for a while, so this can feel daunting. But academic skills, like so many other skills, can be learned and in this session, we will help you think a little more critically than you may be used to about some of the material you will meet.

The recording of the live session will be uploaded within 10 days after close of the event. Access by clicking on the 'play' icon thumbnails that will appear above this section or find on our SHL YouTube channel.

Live broadcast
Sep 29 2021

(re)Freshers Orientation | Being a confident learner

Join us from 11am to 12pm  

Many students reach the end of their first module and say that they have developed confidence, but it is possible to feel confident in your learning from day one! In this session we talk to students, module chairs and associate lecturers about how the learning process is designed to enable you to develop your skills and work with feedback. Feeling confident can come from understanding what you need to develop, where you are succeeding, and realising that you can achieve things you might not have thought possible.

To attend this event, book your space here

How to access the live event?  
On the day of the event sign in at and click ‘Join us live’ button on the top right-hand side of the SHL site. This button appears 30 min prior to the start of the broadcast. 

After the event, you can watch the recording by accessing the event page (via the PROGRAMME button below), and clicking on the playlist icon below the event description, or on our Youtube channel. Recordings are generally available for viewing 10 days after the event. 

Live broadcast
Sep 27 2021

(re)Freshers Orientation - Finding your way around

Join us from 2pm to 3pm

This session will introduce you to some of the key systems and sources of support that you have access to as an OU student. We'll give you some tips on navigating our virtual learning environment (VLE), and introduce you to our Computing Helpdesk, the Library Services team, Careers Service, Student Support Team and OU Students Association. Together they can help you achieve your dreams and reach your goals.

To attend this event, book your space here

How to access the live event?  
On the day of the event sign in at and click ‘Join us live’ button on the top right-hand side of the SHL site. This button appears 30 min prior to the start of the broadcast. 

After the event, you can watch the recording by accessing the event page (via the PROGRAMME button below), and clicking on the playlist icon below the event description, or on our Youtube channel. Recordings are generally available for viewing 10 days after the event. 

Live broadcast
Sep 27 2021

(re)Freshers Orientation | Welcome to the OU

Join us from 11am to 12pm

So you've signed up to study with the OU? You're likely to be very excited, but like anything new, there's lots to get your head around. The wonderful thing about the OU is that you will meet so many supportive people, not only your associate lecturer and other students, but everyone at the University who wants you to succeed in every way. At this event you’ll meet some of the Vice-Chancellor’s executive team, our Student Support Team, and hear first-hand how life changing OU study can be.

To attend this event, book your space here

How to access the live event?  
On the day of the event sign in at and click ‘Join us live’ button on the top right-hand side of the SHL site. This button appears 30 min prior to the start of the broadcast. 

After the event, you can watch the recording by accessing the event page (via the PROGRAMME button below), and clicking on the playlist icon below the event description, or on our Youtube channel. Recordings are generally available for viewing 10 days after the event. 

To access the live events

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