Presentation time: Thursday, 20 March, 2025 - 19:00
This is the first session on essay writing, and it follows on from our series on essay planning. Essays are often the first long piece of writing people have done and getting the content and structure right is a new skill to learn.
We’ll look at the different stages involved and the purpose of essays and show you how to structure what you write, identifying the vital components. We’ll consider the types of information sources you might use and where to find them. You will receive advice on finding your own voice and avoiding plagiarism.
Essays are a great tool for showcasing your understanding of what you have been studying and they help you to get more depth in your subject area, so it makes sense to refresh your skills and produce the best essay you can.
It is helpful (but not essential) to have attended or watched the recordings of the essay planning workshops before attending this one.