Dr Madeleine Knightley has been a staff tutor in the School of Psychology and Counselling since 2008. Her first contact with the Open University was in 1993, when she started her undergraduate psychology degree. Having gained a PhD and held positions at the Medical Research Council’s Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, at Anglia Ruskin University, at the University of Cambridge and atan adult education charity, she returned to the OU in 2007 as a tutor on the second-level psychology module DSE212, which is now DE200Investigating Psychology 2. As staff tutor, she manages tuition in the East of England for DE100 Investigating Psychology 1 and DD210 Living Psychology. She also sits on the module team for DD210 Living psychology: from the everyday to the extraordinary. She is a volunteer coaching psychologist with a local re-employment charity and any spare time is spent perfecting her cha-cha-cha and gin-appreciation skills.