In her role with OUSA, Cherry liaises with her CEC colleagues, the OU and students on all subjects and issues that come under the banner of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. She became an Association student volunteer in May 2008, and was elected to Association’s Disabled Students Group Committee in the same year. Over the next eight years, she performed almost every job on the Committee, and served twice as Chair, before being elected as V P Equal Opportunities in 2016. Other student volunteer roles currently include: Central Committee Representative Open Board of Studies; South East Regional Assembly Executive member; Open University/Association Degree Ceremony Co-ordinator; Moderator DSG (Disabled Students Group) on the VLE. Cherry contributes to several online Consultative forums, and advises on accessibility issues, especially involving screen reader software.
She used to be a very active person, regularly riding horses, and going snow/water skiing. These days, she enjoys tapestry work, watching documentaries and crime dramas, and listening to audiobooks.